The final conference of the Don’t GIG Up! Project to take place on the 21st of January 2020 in Rome

FGB and UIL are organizing the final conference of the international research project Don’t GIG Up!. The event will take place on the 21st of January, 2020 at CNEL premises, in Rome. The meeting will be structured in different sessions, providing the opportunity to discuss on policy options meant to improve working conditions in the gig economy across different tools and areas such as: law and inspection activities, collective bargaining, and social protection.

The event will involve researchers and social partners from Italy and from the EU countries covered by the project (France, Germany, Poland, Spain and Sweden).

The main project’s reports, among which the case studies on relevant policy measures and unions’ initiatives, are already available at: . The web-site will soon host also the agenda of the event, and the project’s Final report and Recommendations.

Download the Save The Date.

Download the Agenda.