The Post-Lab project faces the issue of transnational posting of workers in the construction sector with the scope of fostering administrative cooperation among inspection authorities and social partners, including paritarian funds. In turn, enhanced cooperation should contribute to reduce administrative burden on employers’ while tackling letter-box companies and ensuring compliance with temporariness of posting, the payment of minimum wage as per the hosting country provisions, and the payment of social security contributions in the sending country.
In order to do so, the project analyses the main features of administrative cooperation or anti-fraudulent measures undertaken in Italy, Romania, France and Spain, and their potential scope for improving national and transnational information sharing concerning: enterprises’ activities, employment relationships, payment of social security contributions and wages, and other relevant aspects for the enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC.
The study of the selected measures is linked to a comparative research and to transnational focus groups (the Cooperation Labs) that see the participation of experts, social partners and stakeholders. The research outputs entail a final report with an overview of the main evidences of research, and guidelines to improve cooperation in the framework of posting, especially in a view to simplify administrative procedures and enforce posted workers’ rights.
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini is responsible for the research activities’ coordination; focus groups’ facilitation; implementation of the outputs on the basis of the national partners and stakeholders’ contributions.
Final Report