The Quaderni series


Quaderni Fondazione G. Brodolini


Since its creation, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini has been working to spread knowledge about scientific and cultural activities it carries out. The editorial activity has become over the years more and more intense, to the point of launching, in 1984, a new line to publish the main findings of its research activities: Quaderni della Fondazione Brodolini. Over the years, a series of books has been published, providing scientific, academic and social organisations with the results of research activities carried out by Fondazione Brodolini in all its fields of study. The line is divided in two series: Studies and Research, directed by Annamaria Simonazzi, and Cultures of Socialism, directed by Enzo Bartocci.

Studies and Research series presents results of research activities carried out by Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini in the fields that, over time, have become the core of its cultural initiatives: employment, local development, evaluation of public policies, social policies, equal opportunities, history.

Cultures of Socialism series publishes results of cultural initiatives (conference proceedings, essays, research, reprints, unpublished material) promoted by the interdisciplinary permanent seminar ‘Cultures of Italian Socialism’. The seminar, active at Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, has embarked on study, research, and political and cultural debate activities relating to the various steps that characterise the history of Italian Socialism. Moreover, in the series it is planned to publish texts that, while not being a product of the cultural initiatives of the seminar, are directly relevant to the issues discussed.

Itineraries of Law and Labour Relations is an interdisciplinary series dedicated to "labour relations" in the current technological scenario, edited by Luisa Corazza (University of Molise), Luca Nogler (University of Trento) and Orsola Razzolini (University of Milan).