19th of May 2021. Sixth webinar of the European project Seeding

What can social economy teach about digitalization of economy and promotion of employment and good working conditions?

On the 19th of May (10.30 – 12.30) on Zoom, the topic will be discussed in the sixth webinar of the European project Seeding. The event, organised by Diesis network with the involvement of Legacoop Produzione e Servizi and of the Italian consortium CGN, will focus on the experiences of Italian and Spanish cooperatives. In particular, the event will involve two Italian cooperatives active in the cleaning and services to hospitals sector (Formula Servizi), and in the maintenance of green areas (Naturcoop), the Spanish cooperative of health professionals Ambulancias Barbate and Blockchain FUE, and a company engaged in the promotion of solutions based on blockchain for public administrations, schools and private firms. 

See the agenda

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