Call for Social Innovators

Open Incet, in collaboration with the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation and its partners, launches a new programme.

Open Incet, in collaboration with the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation and its partners, thanks to the contribution of the Compagnia di San Paolo, launches a programme aimed at supporting the evolution of the Third Sector towards sustainable social innovation models.

To this end, Open Incet launches a Call that aims to help strengthen the skills of the Third Sector, creating opportunities for the development of innovative projects, stimulating and enhancing the generation of ideas of young talent by connecting them to international opportunities.

The logic of the proposed intervention integrates a joint training to representatives of organizations of the Third Sector and to a selected group of young talents of the territory that together want to experiment models of social innovation service.

The objective is twofold, on the one hand to create a new professional figure, the Chief Social Innovation Officer (CSIO), and on the other to learn from the experiences and needs of the Third Sector to help increase its impact through the construction of new skills and organizational capabilities.

Here the link to the call announcement.