ETF webinar on digitalisation and the digital transition

On Tuesday, June 27th, from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM CET, FGB is hosting a Zoom webinar on Digitalisation and the digital transition for the ETF Skills Lab Network of Experts.

The webinar will showcase some recent initiatives and research projects dedicated to understanding how digitalisation and the digital transition are affecting skills needs in Europe and EU neighbourhood countries.

This is the third webinar FGB has organised in 2023 for the Skills Lab Network of Experts, an initiative launched by the European Training Foundation to bring together researchers and practitioners in ETF partner countries and EU member states to develop a culture of skills demand analysis.

Since 2022, FGB has been responsible for managing and facilitating the network by organising webinars, peer learning activities and events, as well as running all the network’s communications.

Read the agenda

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