FGB is lead partner of the Italian Innovation Center in San Francisco

On 20 October 2022, the management of the services of the Italian Culture and Innovation Center in San Francisco officially starts. The Italian centre is a strategic hub born with the aim of building an interface between the world of Italian innovation and the innovative ecosystem of Silicon Valley, and will see Fondazione Brodolini Srl SB as lead partner.

Located within the spaces of the Innovit center, 710 Sansome Street, the service is promoted by ICE-Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies, in cooperation with the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco, the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco and the Country System Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco and the Italian Embassy in Washinghton DC, the centre will connect all the Northern America. The aim is to act as a stimulus for innovative business ideas and initiatives, as a catalyst for "cross border" innovation projects and as an accelerator for their development at an international level, allowing Italian innovation actors to have a permanent presence in the Silicon Valley.

The centre will be at the service of various national, public and private realities, including startups, scale ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, investors, research centres and universities, local public and semi-public actors such as regions, metropolitan cities, regional agencies of development, incubators and accelerators, offering a diversified range of programs and services able to respond to different needs and objectives - from training to acceleration, from open innovation to needs assessment.

The centre's activities supporting the growth of innovative startups and speeding up their entry into international markets will include programs on ICT and cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and machine learning, fintech and life science.

Fondazione Brodolini has Entopan Innovation as its partner in the management of the centre. Incubator and accelerator, Entopan is also a hub of open innovation, the only MISE certificate in the Calabria and Sicily regions, and has been operating for years as an accelerator for the benefit of companies, startups, university spin-offs, medium and small size territories and communities, for the implementation of complex projects of growth and development of new models of competitiveness in terms of open innovation, circular economies, impact investing, industry 4.0 and society 5.0.

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