'Fighting poverty', FGB study at the European Parliament

FGB study 'Fighting poverty and social exclusion' has been presented and discussed at the European Parliament

Despite positive developments over the last few years, almost 91.4 million EU citizens, including 69.4 million in the euro area, were still at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2019, and these numbers are expected to be increased by the COVID-19 crisis.

The study Fighting poverty and social exclusion in Europe written by Michele Raitano (Università Sapienza di Roma), Matteo Jessoula (Università degli Studi di Milano), Giovanni Gallo (Università della Sapienza di Roma) and Costanza Pagnini (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini) for the European Parliament’s committee for Employment and Social Affairs, discusses the main questions which should inform such legislation: How best to measure poverty? How should we define the eligibility for minimum income schemes? What are the key features of national minimum income schemes? What EU-level actions are possible in this regard?

The study has been presented at the European Parliament on 25 October 2021, an interesting discussion followed.

Read the full study

Watch the presentation of the study at the European Parliament