Human Capital Hub ECOS4IN – A 4.0 program for SMEs

The technological revolution has arrived and it has become one of the most relevant issue for our local and global community. Its consequences and how it will impact our daily lives deserve to be watched and comprehended fully.

ECOS4IN is a european project that, starting from these considerations, aims to connect different stakeholders with the objective of discussing, co-creating and implementing open innovation’s solutions on Industry 4.0.

Inside ECOS4IN, there’ s a pilot project that activates different programs for SMEs, youth and civic society: Human Capital Hub ECOS4IN.

When it comes to SMEs, the choice has been focusing on food&hospitality sector. A call was launched between November and December 2020, with the objective of collecting all possible applications and activate an education and assessment program related to Industry 4.0.
10 participants were selected and t the end of November 2020 there was the first online meeting to launch the project.
So far, there were 4 online meetings between SMEs and facilitators.

The program will last until June. The first phase consists in a serie of online meetings dedicated to Industry 4.0 education, and after that there will be a digital assessment to understand better SMEs main needs. The second phase instead will focus on SMEs co-creating solutions of open innovation with youth and digital makers.
Human Capital Hub ECOS4IN aims to connect stakeholders that rarely work together or create open innovation solution – and it aims to do that in a sector that’s extremely relevant for italian economy (tourism) and that rarely innovate or re-invent itself.
This first aspect and the creation of synergies between stakeholders that hardly know each other – even if they’re strongly interconnected – is the most innovation aspect of this project, not only for the stakeholders involved, but for all the community.
Milano Luiss Hub will be the physical space and the info point of the whole project.