Protecting civic space in the EU, new FRA report

As of 22 September 2021, the report Protecting Civic Space in the EU, a comparative study on existing measures in EU Member States to ensure freedom of action and advocacy for civil society organisations, is available for download on the website of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).

With this study, FRA intends to highlight the central role played by these organisations - which are diverse and active at local, national and/or regional level - in the protection of human rights.

Specifically, the report investigates, in a comparative key, the challenges and opportunities for the action of these organisations, the existing regulatory framework in the Member States, the possibilities of access to funding, participation in decision-making processes and episodes of threats and violence against members and activists of these organisations. 

The findings are based on research, and on two online consultations with civil society organisations, carried out in 2020.

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini - as a partner of the multidisciplinary network of FRANET experts - edited the Italian report of the research, which focuses on the margin of action and operativeness recognized to civil society organisations operating in Italy.

Read the compared report

Read the Italian country research