Vocational Education and Training for sustainable growth

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini has been supporting the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) to undertake pioneering sectoral foresight exercises in four areas.

"The insights from these exercises have been developed into Cedefop’s policy briefs focusing on Vocational Education and Training (VET) and on the skills needed to foster sustainable growth" Liga Baltina, Fondazione Brodolini's expert who is managing the framework contract explains.

The first policy brief, Cities in transition, shows how VET can help cities to become smarter and greener, address skills shortages and key occupations and make this kind of jobs more attractive. 

VET and skills can also serve as springboards for a thriving circular economy, as uncovered in the second policy brief, From linear thinking to green growth mindsets

Too good to waste aims to discover the untapped potential of VET in the waste management sector, and its contribution to a greener world. 

As for the agri-food sector, Growing green explains how VET can drive the green transition paving the way for sustainable farming.

The foresight exercises have been completed as part of the Cedefop's Framework contract on provision of data analysis and intelligence on skills and labour market.