European centre of expertise in the field of labour law, employment and labour market policies (ECE)

The project aims to establish, organise, manage and coordinate a European centre
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (IT)
Lead Partner
ICF International

The project aims to establish, organise, manage and coordinate a European centre of expertise, in the field of labour law and employment and labour market policies. The centre of expertise shall have i) a stable and continuous capacity in legal analysis, in the form of a network of labour law experts and ii) an ad hoc capacity in labour market policies analysis, based on an appropriate and flexible pool of experts. 

The centre of expertise shall cover legal, regulatory, economic and policy aspects of employment and labour markets, including reforms, in the 28 Member States, EEA countries, candidate countries and potential candidates eligible for participation in the Progress axis of the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation. 

As regards the Employment and labour market policy strand, the purpose of the centre of expertise will be to:

• provide specific analysis of the present and planned implementation of country specific recommendations by the Members States and National Employment Policy documents (in the case of candidate countries and potential candidates).

• provide thorough analysis of practices implemented by employment services, social partners and other practitioners on the ground and assess their efficiency and return on investment, so as to improve future policy proposals.

• report on and assess labour market dynamics, trends and policies in specific countries;

• provide the Commission with thematic researches concerning labour market related thematic topics.


•Advice to the Commission through replies to ad hoc requests for analysis of employment and labour market related issues;

•Thematic Reviews in the field of employment and labour market related issues;

•Developing the content for, and/or participating in, relevant events, seminars or meetings.

Foto via Flickr/DG EMPL