Fleeing Ukraine, displaced people’s experiences in the EU

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) released on its website the results of the online survey conducted in August 2022 in the 10 Countries most concerned by the arrival of people fleeing the war in Ukraine (Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czechia, Germany, Italy, Estonia and Spain).

"The survey collected first-hand accounts of people as they journeyed from Ukraine to the EU" stated Michael O’Flaherty, Director of FRA. "It also tells of their arrival and how they settled in the EU. The findings are a story of how people across Europe opened their arms to provide shelter and succour. But real everyday challenges remain".

The survey – concerning both children and adults – was aimed at collecting first-hand experiences from displaced people concerning the arrival in the EU and the opportunities of settling and integration in the receiving countries.

More specifically, the questionnaire included questions on the protection status issued by EU Countries, the legal protection, housing and reception policies, the access to the education and healthcare system, the provision of specific forms of support (including psychological support).

As a FRANET member, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini offered all its support to reach as many people as possible to collect a solid base of responses. "Despite the sample being partial" Fondazione Brodolini's experts stated "the survey represents a unique opportunity to gauge the challenges and difficulties faced by people fleeing the war, as well as the good practices that were implemented and the policies that would be needed at national and EU level to overcome the emergency approach and develop long-term integration pathways".

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