New call for entry to the Pépinières opened

The fourth call for the selection of innovative projects is launched

The Pépinières d'entreprises of the Valle d'Aosta Region allow young, innovative and technologically advanced companies to successfully manage the delicate start-up phase of their activities. The main objective is to support all those who intend to start a new business idea, encouraging the creation of new generations of innovative start-ups by providing a path of business assistance and a series of centralized services, with a significant reduction in costs. 

On 1 April 2017, the Valle d'Aosta Region entrusted the management of the two Pépinières to a private consortium formed by the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation and Lattanzio Advisory SpA, following a public tender. 

In this context, a call for proposals is launched for the selection of innovative start-ups to be installed at the business incubators of Aosta and Pont-Saint-Martin.

The call is aimed at young entrepreneurs who have an innovative project on the theme of the mountain.

The call is open until 27 January 2019.

After a period of incubation, the selected subjects will be able to take advantage of the technological structures of the two incubators and receive training and support services for the development of their own business.

To participate it is necessary to download the full text of the call where you will find all the indications and the application form to be filled in at the following link.