Governance of EU skills anticipation and matching systems: in-depth country reviews

Framework contract No 2016-FWC7/ AO/DSL/KPOUL-JVLOO/skills-governance/005/16
Cambridge Econometrics (UK)
Economix (DE)
Panteia (NL)
Lead Partner
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

The project aims at helping Cedefop in the development of a knowledge based state of play regarding the governance infrastructure and mechanisms for skills anticipation and matching systems in a selected group of European countries. Overall, the activity aims to enhance the evidence base at European level, supporting policy learning, inspiring decision-makers to design measures for developing and improving their skills governance systems and coming closer to meeting the goals of the EU New Skills Agenda for Europe and its EU2020 policy goals.

The consortium will help Cedefop in engaging in in-depth country reviews of selected EU countries with a goal to obtain extensive and rich country-specific detail, including factors determining and hampering the effective governance of skills anticipation and matching systems in these countries. If requested, the consortium can provide consultancy services building on the acquired knowledge collected as part of the systematic country reviews, to Cedefop and to the individual countries that wish to develop or further strengthen their skills governance systems.

Services may include:

  • provide Cedefop with in-depth, country-specific information on the state of play of Skills Governance systems
  • review and assess areas of strength and challenges in member states Skills Governance systems
  • enhance the existing evidence base at European level on the specific strengths and challenges of skills anticipation and matching governance systems of EU countries


FGB is undertaking reviews in Greece, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Estonia.