Revision of the ETF monitoring matrix and definition of impact-oriented indicators

Lead Partner
Ockham IPS (NL)

Partners: FGB Srl SB

The study ETF strategy outcomes indicators and strategic alignment of monitoring matrix aims to bring together the findings from previous assignments conducted for the European Training Foundation (ETF) by Ockham IPS and FGB, by translating their recommendations into actions for change.

This will be done through the conceptualisation and formulation of a set of impact-oriented indicators for the revised strategic goals and related outcomes and the review of existing ETF indicators (monitoring matrix), for coherence and alignment to the strategy intervention logic (and its fine-tuning), with special consideration of the description and measurement of the key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the uptake and utilisation of disseminated knowledge and expertise and engagement of diverse groups of mobilised stakeholders.

The project will be organised around three phases:

1) Inception phase, with delivery of the inception report on 21 June 2024. This phase will include a first reflection on the current strategic outcomes and a mapping of existing and previously proposed indicators, and meetings to be held in Turin on 18 June 2024.

2) Interim phase. The focus of this phase will be on outcome indicators, with delivery of an intermediate report on 22 July 2024. A further conceptualision and formulation of the proposed strategy outcomes indicators (including fine-tuning of the strategic outcomes formulation) will be carried out, together with  revision of the existing ETF battery of indicators. Suggestions will also be made on how to align those indicators to those of the new strategy outcomes.

3) Final phase, with a focus on impact indicators and delivery of a draft of the final report on 26 August 2024. Based on the outcome indicators, the impact-oriented strategy indicators will be developed, and together with ETF, the ETF monitoring matrix.

Fondazione Brodolini will work hand in hand with Ockham IPS in the revision of the ETF monitoring matrix and the definition of impact-oriented indicators, to monitor progress vis-à-vis the achievement of the new ETF strategic goal and related outcomes.