SAAGE. Scientific Analysis and Advise on Gender Equality in the EU

With the SAAGE project, Fondazione Brodolini will contribute to the improvement of gender equality policies at European level
Lead Partner

The overall objective of this service, that FGB has already leaded in the past years, is to contribute to the improvement of gender equality policies at European level by offering reliable, independent and rigorous scientific advice to the European Commission.

Thanks to its network of Country experts, SAAGE provides up-to-date information and knowledge on the current situation and policies in all EU Member States.

It ensures a comprehensive coverage of data and an accurate update of the analysis and interpretation on a continuous basis. The monitoring and the collection of information at country level are flanked by thematic insights thanks to the involvement of a wide network of thematic experts. Their research activities to be reported in studies and discussed in seminars with EU officials will offer to the Commission knowledge on very specific topics.

Thematic expertise will keep a cross-country comparative approach so to adhere to the EU reality but, when relevant, third countries policy examples will be also considered.

By coupling the country level and the thematic perspectives SAAGE will strengthen the Commission's knowledge base on gender equality and will allow effective policy initiatives for the advancement of gender equality in the EU.