Scientific analysis and advise on gender equality in the EU (SAAGE)

Fostering gender equality by providing reliable, independent, and rigorous scientific support and advice to the European Commission
Lead Partner
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

Scientific analysis and advise on gender equality in the EU (SAAGE) contributes to the improvement of European-level policy analysis and policy development on gender equality by providing reliable, independent, and rigorous scientific support and advice to the European Commission. It will strengthen the Commission’s knowledge-base, including its country-specific knowledge, to support the preparation of political initiatives, and to support political cooperation at European level. More specifically, SAAGE aims at supporting the European Commission in its implementation of the Strategy for equality between women and men by drafting notes including recommendations for EU Member States and monitoring the implementation of policies on gender equality. SAAGE gathers international experts and professionals with considerable expertise in different fields such as gender violence, labour market, reconciliation, etc.  

This project has been extended to 2023