Two days on innovation and sustainability in Cassino

On 19 and 20 February 2024 from 9.30 AM to 7.00 PM the Cassino Innovation Hack Fest will take place at the OpenHub Lazio center in Cassino (viale Ivanoe Bonomi, 2) managed by FGB. The initiative will consist in a two-day festival on territorial innovation and sustainability aimed at young international students.

The Cassino Innovation Hack Fest is promoted by OpenHub Lazio, a project coordinated by Fondazione Brodolini and financed with the regional development funds POR FSE 2014-2020 of the Lazio Region, and implemented thanks to the support of the European project Consolidating deep and inclusive social innovation ecosystems (Consolid8), where FGB is acting as partner.

The festival will be aimed to develop innovative solutions to make Cassino a more international, green and inclusive city.

The kick-off is set for 19 February with Learn to hack, a full-day training session curated by OpenHub Lazio. Students will participate in masterclasses and team-building activities which will prepare them for Hack to learn, the hackathon funded by the Consolid8 project which will be held on 20 February.

Throughout the hackathon, several challenges will be presented to participants on how to innovate the Cassino area, ranging from welcoming international students, innovating help care, creating jobs and training opportunities, and promoting environmental sustainability.

All activities are designed for students enrolled in English-language university courses, and will therefore be conducted in English.

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