Upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults in Italy and France

As part of the service contract with the European Centre for the Development of Vocation Training (Cedefop), Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini has been at the forefront of conducting two thematic country reviews on upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults in France and Italy since 2021. These reviews include significant insights ready to be shared.

Our national research teams from the Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications (Cereq) and the Italian National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP) will present their findings, highlighting both the challenges and potential solutions identified through these comprehensive reviews.

The presentations are scheduled for the upcoming Cedefop's Fifth Policy Learning Forum on Upskilling Pathways, that will be held in Brussels at EESC premises on 6 and 7 February 2024.

The forum is part of a series of policy learning events, and will be aimed at discussing support to lifelong upskilling pathways for adults, seeking to highlight both the challenges and potential solutions identified through the country reviews.

Liga Baltina, Maria Saide Liperi, Terence Hogarth, and Rafael Novella will be representing FGB at the forum, joined by delegates from Cereq and Inapp. 

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