Stem challenge. Reducing the gender gap in Stem
Stem challenge is a project implemented by Fondazione Brodolini with funding from the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The project was developed following the changes brought to the education and school system by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, whose effects made the gaps in knowledge related to Stem subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) between boys and girls even more evident, underscoring the need to activate, in this regard, opportunities for training and discussion.
The project aimed to bring girls closer to Stem disciplines, thus reducing the gender gap in the access to scientific faculties and technical professions. In fact, according to the United Nations, Stem disciplines are chosen by only 30% of female university students. To modify this trend, it is necessary to act before the prejudice that sees girls as having little inclination and suitability for certain "traditionally-male fields" is established, facilitating an orientation that respects inclinations and intelligences.
In order to narrow the knowledge gap between boys and girls, related to both Stem disciplines and the set of soft skills needed to better cope with the job market and professions in the future, Stem challenge included 10 workshops. These were dedicated to a number of topics, such as those related to the contrast of gender stereotypes, female entrepreneurship and Stem disciplines, with a focus on coding and 3D modeling and the development of skills such as teamwork skills, problem solving and public speaking.
The proposed activities were targeted for girls and boys aged between 11 to 17 from all over the country. In the second part of the project, they were involved in the practical design of innovative solutions using Stem technologies.
Thanks to the experience in promoting women's empowerment through the use of new technologies and Stem disciplines gained through previous projects, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini was in charge of creating the workshops. Here, participants were able to put into practice what they discovered during the thematic meetings, combining knowledge related to Stem technologies with creativity and initiative to develop innovative project proposals.
In particular, boys and girls explored the theme of habitability and sustainability of cities, focusing on four specific areas: increasing green areas within cities; recycling and collecting waste; creating systems and integrated visions of city management; increasing the use of renewable energy sources.
The eleven proposals submitted were enhanced by the use of coding and 3D modeling.
The project terminated with an event attended by 25 people (including boys and girls, parents, members of the jury and an external speaker). During the event, the solutions developed by the participants throughout the project were presented.