Economia & Lavoro

Economia & Lavoro

Economia & Lavoro is Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini's four-monthly journal of economic policy, sociology and industrial relations, published by Carocci editore. It was founded in 1967 by Giacomo Brodolini with the aim of promoting debate among political, social, cultural and economic stakeholders that share the goal of democratic progress and reform.

In 1971, Economia & Lavoro became the journal of Fondazione Brodolini, and since then it has been carrying on its founder’s action and thought, paying, on the other hand, deeper attention to social changes and new labour issues.

ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) has included Economia & Lavoro in the list of scientific journals in relation to the following academic fields of the Italian university national recruitment system (pursuant to Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research no. 336, dated 29 July 2011):

Area 11  Historical, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological studies;

Area 13  Economic and statistical studies;

Area 14  Political and social studies.


The journal is moreover indexed in RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), EconLit (database of the American Economic Association, AEA) and NSD (Norwegian Centre for Research Data).

Steering Committee: Giuseppe Ciccarone, Editor; Annamaria Simonazzi, Editor-in-ChiefGiorgio Benvenuto, Yasmine Ergas and Leonello Tronti, Co-Editors

Editorial Board (responsible for the scientific orientations of the journal, without decision-making functions regarding the selection and publication of articles): Dominique Anxo, Paolo Bagnoli, Josep Banyuls Llopis, Paolo Borioni, Gerhard Bosch, Luisa Corazza, Orsola Costantini, Michele Faioli, Beáta Farkas, Emilio Gabaglio, Umberto Gentiloni, Dario Guarascio, Eri Kasagi, Victoria Lambropoulos, Rochelle Le Roux, Riccardo Leoni, Franco Liso, Fabrizio Loreto, Claudio Lucifora, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Andrea Panaccione, Paolo Piacentini, Paolo Pini, Enrico Pugliese, Michele Raitano, Brishen Rogers, Enzo Russo, Francesco Saraceno, Donatella Strangio, Paola Villa, Andrew Watt

Editorial Staff: Adriano Cicioni, Manuelita Mancini 

Head Office and Editorial Office: Via Goito 39, 00185 Rome - Tel. 06 44249625, Fax 06 44249565

Submission of contributions: texts (in editable Word format) shall be submitted to the address Each contribution, following an initial assessment by the Steering Committee aimed at verifying its compliance with the key focus areas of the journal, will be evaluated in the framework of a double-blind peer-review process by two independent experts (reviewers) identified by the Steering Committee. Should the assessments provided in the review process diverge, the Steering Committee will identify a third reviewer with a view to making a final decision in relation to the outcome of the review process.

Instructions for the authors:

To purchase or subscribe refer to:

Carocci editore 
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 229
00186 Rome
Tel. 06 42818417, Fax 06 42747931 


Paper issues of the journal or single articles in electronic format can be purchased online. 

Through the Rivisteweb platform, subscribing institutions have access to the full text of all the issues of the journal.


Organisational Innovation and Work Transformations: Four Essays
The North-South and East-West Dimensions in Socialist Internationalism
The Workers’ Statute, and the Future of Employment Relationships
Economic democracy and self-government at company level
30 Years after the Fall of Communist Regimes: Achievements and Challenges of the CEE Economies at the Onset of the 4th Industrial Revolution
Technology, employment and labour market institutions. Four contributions presented at a conference
The Employment Goal in the Italian Economy. In Memory of Gino Faustini
Analysis and Perspectives of Labour Policies. Four Papers Presented at a Conference
Gig Economy and Market Design. Why to Regulate the Market of Jobs Carried Out through Digital Platforms
How Do Industrial Relations Help Curb Inequalities in Europe?
The Unitary Federation and Its Relationship with Italy’s Major Change Processes. How Did Labour Representation Evolve After 1969?
After Renzi’s One Thousand Days: Labour Market and Industrial Relations Prospects