29 September 2021. The Great Transformation Talk

On Wednesday 29 September 2021 Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini will host an online conversation with James Shaw, Minister for Climate Change and Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity) at New Zealand Government. The talk, titled “The Great Transformation”, will take place on the Zoom platform from 9.30 (CEST).

The European Green Deal and the Next Generation Europe have paved the way for a great transformation, and we find ourselves at a crossroad: either the social and green economy will remain a separate niche from the rest of the economy, or it will pervade a mission-oriented strategic agenda that can re-generate behaviours, markets and governance infrastructures.

In the talk, we’ll explore three actions that, we believe, can make the difference in accelerating systemic change in the current, unsustainable, status-quo: building alliances, shifting power to local communities, encouraging creative contestation.

Speakers: James Shaw, Minister for Climate Change and Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity) at New Zealand Government; Fabio Sgaragli, Head of Innovation, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini.

The conversation will be streamed through our social media channels.

Click here and register to the webinar