The future skill needs in health care sector in Ukraine

On Monday 6 December 2021, 10:00–12:30 CET on the Zoom platform, the European Training Foundation (ETF) together with Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini will host the ETF stakeholder workshop on the future skill needs in health care sector in Ukraine.

Susanne M. Nielsen (Country liaison for Ukraine, European Training Foundation) will chair. During the meeting, national and international experts will share their knowledge and data regarding key facts and developments on the health care sector in Ukraine from the skill's perspective, what are the main investments on new technologies in the sector and how these investments will affect the jobs and skill needs in the sector.

On the behalf of Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Liga Baltina, Riccardo Apreda and Terence Hogarth will give a general introduction of the ETF case study on the future skill needs in health care sector in Ukraine, reflecting on the drivers of change for the sector, workforce, job profiles and skill needs, and the emerging new jobs that will be required in the next years. 

Look at the agenda

Read the study flyer

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