MHUMA Milan Hub Makers

Lead Partner
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

MHUMA aims at being a Fab Lab system for the city of Milan and for Italy, a Service & Learning Center for the Milan’s and international makers community. MHUMA is also a social laboratory which gets along with the city’s ecosystem, an open and flexible space where it is possible to realize projects and speed up the best social innovation projects at a national and international level, a place where public and private organizations will cooperate to enhance social innovation and digital manufacturing production.

The expertise, technology and space made available by MHUMA will represent the chance for young students, citizens, researchers, innovators and aspiring entrepreneurs to get acquainted with the universe of social innovation and digital manufacturing, create synergies and contribute to the development of new ideas, local-specific services, enterprises and handcrafted products. Products and services developed within MHUMA will gather a creative community  producing tools and processes designed to develop innovation across and for the territory.

Services provided:

a. Education and training:

1.         Makers Labs in local schools;

2.         Technical workshops for makers and designers;

3.         Training: How to open and manage a Fab Lab;

4.         Entrepreneuship for makers, designer and social innovators;

5.         Team building for companies on innovation and digital making;

6.         Seminars and conferences on digital manufature and social innovation. 

b. Ideas and prototypes:

1.         Launch and management of Calls for solutions/ideas;

2.         Workshops to develop new ideas, services and products;

3.         Living Lab on Urban regeneration e Smart Cities;

4.         R&D activities in collaboration with Milan Fab Labs;

5.         New products prototyping and testing.

c. opportunity panel development:

1.         Launch and presentation of new products;

2.         Experimenting innovative practices for placement;

3.         Codesign for social innovation processes and services.