The Italian Innovation in the Silicon Valley with Invitalia

Innovit, the Italian Innovation and Culture Hub in San Francisco managed by Fondazione Brodolini and Entopan Innovation, has become part of the Invitalia Startup System, the institutional innovation network of the Italian National Agency for the attraction of investments and enterprise development of the Italian Ministry of Economy.

The collaboration will enable the startups supported by Invitalia to expand their international growth opportunities, and to participate in acceleration programmes in the Silicon Valley, bridging innovation from Italy to the US.

Innovit is a strategic initiative of the Italian Government for the promotion of the Country System's innovation in the United States; it has been established in San Francisco on initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the ICE-Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies, under the supervision of the Italian Embassy in Washington and the Consulate General in San Francisco. 

As of October 2022, all activities of the Centre are managed by Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini Srl SB in collaboration with the open innovation hub Entopan Innovation.

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