Two campaigns to rethink the EU-UK relationship
As part of the Common Ground project, two digital campaigns – Send a letter to the editor and Stories of hope - Photography open call – have just been launched, to encourage EU citizens living in the UK to share their personal stories and experiences. Funded by the European Commission, the project has been created to rethink the relationship between the EU and the UK after Brexit, and sees the participation of Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini as lead partner.
The two campaigns focus on writing and photography, respectively, and will both be managed by The3million Ltd, FGB's partner in the Common Ground project.
"The objective is to give relevance to the experiences EU citizens living in the UK by sharing stories and firsthand accounts, but also to raise awareness on the most common issues they face, and to propose solutions," explains Sara Giorgio, project management of Common Ground for Fondazione Brodolini.
Send a letter to the editor is aimed to European women in the UK; the idea is to highlight their contributions to the country, but also their difficulties, by sending a letter to local newspapers to offer their views on current issues particularly relevant to them on a personal level. The initiative will be developed on the two symbolic dates of 8 and 10 March 2024, which mark the celebration of International Women's Day and British Mother's Day. A free Zoom webinar on how to write an effective letter to participate is scheduled for Friday, 1 March 2024 from 6.00 to 7.30 PM.
Stories of hope focuses on journeys, identity and belonging of EU citizens living in the UK. Participants are asked to submit three photographs accompanied by a short explanatory text, in prose or poetry, about their experience in the country and aspirations for the future, with the aim to promote solidarity and empathy within communities. The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2024. An information webinar is also planned, to be held on 6 March 2024.
The most-voted artwork will have the opportunity to be exposed in an event dedicated to European citizenship organised by Fondazione Brodolini, and scheduled for 22 May 2024 in Brussels.