FGB's work for women's rights and gender equality

Centre for research and intervention on the issues of work and social inclusion, with more than fifty years of history, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini was founded to honour the memory of the Minister of Labour who approved the workers' statute.

Today, we are a landmark for public and private policies. But very few people in Italy know that in the last twenty years, FGB has concentrated many of its research activities on the topic of gender equality. All this, thanks to the entry into the Board of Directors of feminist economists who have given new life to the cultural life of the Foundation.

The result of this commitment coincided with the implementation of hundreds of projects on the issue of gender equal opportunities, which have seen the Foundation work with European and Italian institutions, with local authorities, but also with research centres, companies and social partners.

Let’s tell some of the most important stages that have marked this journey.

Foremost, the Foundation has collaborated with the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) since its inception, carrying out the impact assessment of the agency for the European Commission and contributing to design the methodology for the definition and cataloguing of EIGE good practices.

This methodology has been adopted for all the activities that EIGE carries out on good practices for the various European institutions (Council, Commission, Parliament) ever since.

FGB worked also on defining the gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting strategy of the European structural funds.

But the most essential work we have being doing for 12 years is providing analysis of member states' policies from a gender perspective to the European Commission, through the management of a network of 27 experts responsible for gender monitoring in Europe.

This activity provides the basis for EU recommendations to member states. Informing the Commission also means providing data and research for the development of directives and programs. And we can happily announce that we have just won the contract again for the next 4 years.

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini is also one of the actors that carries out studies and research on behalf of the FEMM Commission of the European Parliament, providing a series of tools for parliamentary debate.

Today, many people might not know that an Italian organization plays such a decisive role in influencing the European agenda on the issue of gender equality.

We partially try to tell this every day through inGenere, a webzine born in 2009 with the ambition to create a bridge between the academy and a non-specialized audience of readers and readers.

Find out more

SAAGE. Scientific Analysis and Advise on Gender Equality in the EU

GRASE. Gender and Race Stereotypes Eradication in labour market access

inGenere. Data, policies, gender issues

Gender Target. Contributing to the advancement of gender equality in research and innovation

Gender Equality and Diversity Managemeent Advanced Training Course

Sharing our experience on Gender Equality Plans

Women and transport, a European study is available online