FGB is the Italian national contact point for EaSI

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini is the Italian National Contact Point (INCP) for the European Commission's employment and social innovation programme (EaSI). The activity is carried out through Open Incet, the Open Innovation center in the city of Turin which FGB has been managing since 2015.  

EaSI is a financial instrument to promote high-quality and sustainable employment, ensure adequate and decent social protection, contrast marginalisation and poverty, and improve working conditions in Europe. 

For the period 2021-2027, the programme will become a strand under the European Social Fund plus (ESF+), the European Union's main instrument for investing in people and promoting structural reforms in employment, social, education and skills. 

Being the Italian National Contact Point, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini will manage the communication of the opportunities offered by the EaSI programme through several actions: sharing information on calls and studies within EaSI, providing training on how to submit effective applications for the programme and managing projects, and organising networking events to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Furthermore, FGB runs a HelpDesk located in the premises of Open Incet, which is available to public administrations, social enterprises and third-sector entities wishing to receive more information on how to participate and access the opportunities offered by the programme.

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